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Monday, February 21, 2011

Annie..the Never Started and Trail Riding Prep

At some point, I wil get Annie started well enough for someone to finish her.  She is a solid mare and deserves more time than I can give her!  We have decided to sell her...

That being said, it sorta appears that the long (about 20-25 days so far) south Texas winter is over.  Next week I look forward to some riding and more work for Annie.  Of course all of this will be squeezed in between the visits to MD Anderson with Felicia (The Life and Times of a Cowboy Who Married Up) again stay tuned and you will eventually see this saga end for Annie with us!

If you are trail riding into Houston, be sure to do some check ups on your horse.  Can you stop them with one rein?  Will they stand calmly when you get on?  How scared do they get when a car or wagon goes by?  These are all things you should know before you get on the road.  If you cannot accomplish at least these in the arena or at you really think you can be safe out there on the road?  Take it from me, most people in cars don't know enough to slow down when a horse is on or beside the road.  How many people get hurt during this time of year because they don't know thier horse or think cars will stop?

Ride safe, ride prepared!