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Wednesday, October 27, 2010



OK, I know I have a day one for per usuall I have been hit and miss with her.  So, since I would like to send her to her new home with a good foundation, I'm starting over (again).

Started the day with groundwork.  Annie has had a ton of ground work done so we moved through it pretty fast.  I had only planned on getting on and off today, but that went so well I stayed on.  I was riding her with a rope halter, just wanting to let her pick where she wanted to go.  She had frozen feet initially, but I just made it uncomfortable for her to stand still.  (wiggling in the saddle and letting my legs flop).  I didn't really care where she went, I just wanted her to move.  After 30-45 minutes of just wandering around the round pen, I started asking her to bend her neck both directions.  She really did well, but still had some sticky feet.  Before getting off for the day I did ask her to stop and she did ok with that. 

She has a lot of ground basics so I am looking forward to see how she responds to the riding.


  1. Well, with Annie's start in life it is hard for her. Imagine if your mother hated you!!

  2. I would say hate is a strong word, all she wanted to do was kill her!
